Tuesday, February 09, 2010

About Time

It has been sooo long since last July. Well Anna is about to be 1 and Daniel is already celebrating his 4th birthday this Saturday at the church. We had a great time last year and are looking forward to the same type of thing this year as we will probably set up the camper at the same campground this summer. It is really convenient just 10 miles down I75 with a nice pool and of course the jumping pillow.

Anna is cruising pretty well now and Daniel is still amazing us on his reading of food jars, boxes, and all sorts of things. We need to work with him on his writing to get him up to the same level there as well. We will be posting more with some pictures soon.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Anna at 4 months and "A camping we will go"

It is impossible to believe that Anna is now 4 months old (almost 5). She had her checkup and is the picture of health. She is even bigger than her brother was which is truly amazing. She is 27 inches long and 191/2 pounds! She is now able to roll over both ways (but mostly back to front) and she even cut her first tooth a few weeks ago. We have finally started her on cereal, but it is still mostly play and not much getting down.

Anna is a sweet, beautiful easy going baby. She loves to play, especially in the water and on her play mat. She is a great sleeper who goes to sleep by herself and wakes up happy and content. She absolutely loves her big brother. And as you can see below, she has the biggest cheeks ever!

Daniel is also doing great. He amazes us every day. Last night, he actually read a book to us. It is a preschool short reader type book from a series called Bob Books. It is amazing and kind of sad how grown up he is.

We recently bought a new camper and have had it at a campground nearby. We have been spending the last few weekends there. Daniel loves it and it is really nice to get away.

Here are some pictures from the last month or so.

Anna eats cereal for the first time.

4th of July at the campground
Swimming pool at campground

Daniel and Anna in Mommy and Daddy's bed
Anna has the biggest eyes!

She loves hanging out in just her diaper

Anna in the bathtub at the camper

Daniel on the jumping pillow at the campground

We took Daniel and Anna to the Lost Sea which is near the campground. It is a cave with the largest underground lake in North America

Anna is a very happy baby

Anna loves to chew on her hands, especially now that she is cutting teeth.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Anna turns 2 months

It is hard to believe that 2 months have all ready passed. Anna's 2 month checkup went well. She is a very healthy little girl. She is a whopping 24 1/2 inches and 15.2 pounds. She is now into 6-9 month clothes! She has started to smile and we think she is adorable. And check out those cheeks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15th 2009

Easter 2009

Looks like she is sticking her finger in Daniel's nose!
Anna is not happy about me holding her hands out of her face!

Putting stickers in his eggs

Daniel and his Easter Basket

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Daniel and Anna Updates

We went to the doctor this week for Anna's 1 month and Daniel's 3 year appointments. Both were a little late but that is becoming par for the course these days.

Daniel is doing great. He is now 41 1/2 inches tall (100th percentile) and 38 1/2 pounds(95th percentile). The doctor said he was the average size of a 4 1/2 year old! He is obviously going to be tall like his dad. Daniel is also very healthy and is doing great developmentally. He knows all of his letters both upper and lower as well as their sounds. We are starting on a beginner reader series that the Dr recommended so we will see how that goes. He can also count to 20 well and to 100 while looking at the numbers as well as some simple math. We are going to try taking him to his first organized class, preschool gymnastics. It will be interesting to see how he does.

Anna is also doing wonderfully. We are so pleased to report that she is very healthy and growing like a weed. She is now a whopping 12 pounds 3 ounces( 100th percentile) and 22 3/4 inches long (95th percentile) and her head is in the 98th percentile. And yes she is only 5 weeks old. She is eating and sleeping well and is overall a very good baby. As you can see in the pictures below she has developed some lovely bumps on her face that will hopefully go away soon. We have seen a few tentative smiles but nothing consistent so far. We think she is going to have red hair like her brother, but there is too little of it to tell for sure.

Just looking cute in his Lil Buckaroo shirt! (no he is not in time out)

Daniel loves his hot dogs sliced open with cheese melted on them.

Taking a rest in Daniels old crib with Jemima Puddle Duck in the background.

And here she is looking just adorable in a beautiful Laura Ashley outfit, (that she has already outgrown!).

Just a chillin in a lovely jumpsuit!

Daniel loves hanging out with Anna and playing with her toys!

As much as he would love to share with her, he is not giving her his sippy cup.
You can see on her the beginning of male pattern baldness!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Anna turns 1 month

Anna is 1 month old today. Sorry it has taken so long to get more pictures. I hope to have some better ones posted in a few days. As you can see she is growing very well. We don't go back to the doctor until next Monday so we will have to wait to find out her weight and height, but I would guess she is at least 10 1/2 pounds by now if not more. At our last appointment the doctor heard a heart murmur so he had us go for an echo cardiogram. Fortunately, everything looks totally normal.

Here is Anna with my Aunt Margaret and a very pround big brother Daniel.

Here is Anna's first bath with Daniel sharing his rubber ducky. Anna still has that newborn cross eyed look at times.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Introducing Anna Rhea Morgan

We would like to introduce you to our baby girl Anna. She was born February 16th at 4:48 PM.
She weighed 9 lbs and 7 oz and was 21 inches long. We named her after my Mom's mom, Anna and my mom whose middle name was Rhea.
Below are some of her first pictures. We will try to post more soon.

We are blessed to say that she is a very healthy beautiful little girl.

Since she was bigger than her brother(which I didn't think was possible!), Anna arrived by C-Section. Here is our first family photo in the Operating Room.

Daniel was so excited to meet his baby sister. When my Aunt's brought him to the hospital, he insisted that he hold her first. He has been really good with Anna.

Here is Anna getting ready for her first car ride home. Poor thing looks totally squished.

I thought I would add this one since I didn't get around to it before the delivery. Here we are the day before the induction. I was absolutely huge. Of course now we know why!